FREE 40-day eBook Devotional

I heard about this ebook devotional from the MOB Society and just had to go check it out. The Seed Company is offering a free 40-day devotional for people to use during Lent. I was unfamiliar with The Seed Company so I poked around their site a bit.

Did you know that nearly 2,000 languages – 300 million people – worldwide still do not have one verse of scripture in their language? I mean, I knew there were some people that didn’t have it, but 300 million? That number is too high. I literally have tears in my eyes right now at the thought of all those people who have never, ever heard the word of God. 300 MILLION.

I knew I had to do something. An obvious way to help is to donate money. Another way to help is by praying. The Seed Company wants prayer partners for the different projects going on throughout the world.

While you are on the site getting your free devotional, I’d ask you to take a look around the site, check out the prayer requests, and, if you feel led to, sign up to pray for this vital ministry.

Dayspring’s Recordable Storybooks {Giveaway}

Dayspring has a new line of Recordable Storybooks which feature exclusive voice-capture technology that enables a person to record each page of a book and have it played back over and over as the recipient turns the pages. The recording will not be lost, even when the batteries need to be replaced.

The books were designed for an adult to read to a child but are also perfect for adults and children to record together or for children to record for a grandparent.

Recordable Storybooks are available at Christian retail stores nationwide. Use the store locator on to find your nearest Christian retail store.

We received Bedtime Prayers and Promises to review. I thought it would be a great book for Sinisa and I to record together for the boys so that if anything ever happens to us they will still be able to hear our voices. While listening to the prayers and Bible verses they will  be reminded that not only does God love them but we do, too. I thought the images were beautiful and liked that they included Woolly the lamb, a character that many children know.


One reader will receive a voucher good for 1 of the 4 storybooks shown above.


(Do any or all of the following, leave a comment for each)

1) Subscribe to this blog via RSS or email

2) Tell me which book you would want

3) Follow @incourage on Twitter

4) Follow me on Twitter

5) Write a blog post about this giveaway and include a link to this post

6) Share this giveaway on Facebook

7) Enter another one of my giveaways and let me know which you entered

8) Stumble, digg, or social bookmark this giveaway

9) Tweet “Enter to win a Recordable Storybook from@incourage and @aliciamarie112 at

10) Comment on one of my non-giveaway posts

Giveaway ends November 14, 2011 at 11:59pm Central time.

(Disclosure: I received a Dayspring Recordable Storybook to review but all thoughts are my own.)

See You At The Pole 2011

Just wanted to post a quick note for the parents of school age children that See You At The Pole is TOMORROW, September 28th.

See You at the Pole™ is a global movement of prayer which is student-initiated, student-organized, and student-led. It revolves around students praying together on the fourth Wednesday in September, usually before school and usually at the school’s flag pole. It involves students in elementary schools, middle/junior high schools, high schools, and colleges/universities across the globe. Adults often pray in support of the students on campus by gathering nearby, at their places of work or worship, or at city halls.

More information can be found on their website,, including a promotional video, a sign up form to participate, and answers to questions you may have.

We Will Never Forget…

Picture of 9/11 Memorial I took when I was in NYC in 2010.

We will never forget.

Praying for all those who lost a loved one 10 years ago today.

Thankful for those who have fought (and continue to fight) for our freedom.

How Can I Pray For You Today?

Since today is the National Day of Prayer I wanted to take a chance to ask you all how I can pray for you. Please leave a comment with your prayer requests or email me at aliciamarie112 {at} hotmail {dot} com if you prefer to keep your requests private. It’s also completely ok to ask for prayer for an unspoken request since God knows all our needs.

Also, I am always available to pray for you (or with you via skype) so please don’t limit your prayer requests to this one day.

WFMW- Prayer

So many of my friends and family members are hurting lately. They’ve experienced the death of a loved one, miscarriage, illness, job loss, divorce. So much pain that I can’t fix. Sometimes I wish I just had a magic wand and could make all of their problems disappear but, as far as I know, that wand doesn’t exist.

When I hear that a friend is going through a hard time I usually don’t have many words to say other than “I’m sorry”, “let me know if I can help” and “I will pray for you”. All of these words come with good intention and from my heart. I am sorry, I do want to help, and I will pray for them…. or do I?

I’m going to be honest here. Many times I found myself saying I would pray for someone and then making a mental note to do so and mommy brain attacked and I forgot. It’s not that I didn’t want to pray for their need. It’s not that I didn’t intend to. The fact of the matter is that a lot of the time I would plan to do it “later” and would forget exactly who and what I had to pray for. I would forget about the lady from my MOPS group that asked me to pray for her friend with cancer. I would forget about my friend’s cousin who was going through a nasty divorce. I would forget about a friend’s brother-in-law who was hunting for a job. All needing my prayer, all forgotten.

I decided that what “works for me” would be to STOP what I was doing and pray right then. Many times I am sitting at my computer and a prayer request pops up on Twitter or Facebook and I have found that it’s best if I pray when the request is fresh in my mind. I can then say “I did pray for you” and not just “I will”.

Along with this I started keeping a prayer journal to write down prayer requests. I bought a cute composition notebook at Target and keep it on my desk at home by my computer. It’s also great when you can see God’s answer to prayer (note: I said his answer which may not always be what we want it to be or think it should be.)

So what works for you when it comes to the topic of prayer?

To see more WFMW posts head on over to We Are That Family