Make Brushing Fun With Free Coloring Books

(Disclosure: This is a sponsored post but thoughts are my own.)

My boys were home from school yesterday due to the cold weather and they are off again today. If your kids are off too and you are looking for something to keep them busy while you are stuck inside I have an idea.

Tom’s of Maine just announced a coloring and activity book called “Brushing Fun,” which supports Oral Health America, a national nonprofit dedicated to oral care and prevention. With each free coloring book download, Tom’s of Maine will donate 10 tubes of its Wicked Cool! natural toothpaste (up to 200,000 tubes) to children in OHA’s  Smiles Across America program.

We downloaded it yesterday and my kids got to coloring them and doing the activity sheets. I liked that you could add your child’s name on them and Lucas liked seeing his name while coloring. Here is one of the finished coloring sheets:


As an added bonus, parents enter to win a great Tom’s of Maine prize package. They can show off their kid’s creativity and inspire others to get involved by sharing a photo of a completed page from the coloring book on Facebook or Instagram  using #NaturalSmiles for a chance to win a Tom’s of Maine natural oral care prize pack and a $100 Utrecht Art Store gift card to foster their child’s creativity. Five winners total, one each week.

Want to participate? Find the coloring and activity book download here. Get social with Tom’s of Maine on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


  1. Make Brushing Fun With Free Coloring Books…

    (Disclosure: This is a sponsored post but thoughts are my own.) My boys were home from school yesterday…

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