My One Word For 2014: FOCUS {On What’s Important}

Happy New Year!! This year, instead of creating numerous goals for myself, I’m keeping it simple. My “one word” for the year is FOCUS.

I’m going to focus on God, focus on myself and focus on those I love. This idea has been marinating in my mind for weeks. Being a busy work-from-home mom I realized that I get a lot done but don’t spend much time focusing on the three most important things that I should be. My mind isn’t always focused on God when I’m praying, I rarely focus on myself, and when I’m with those I love I’m often preoccupied with my online life.

Here’s my plan:

Focus on God. Prayers throughout the day are great and I’m going to continue them but praying with noise in the background makes it hard to focus on God. And rushed prayers? Yeah, I’m getting in time with him but if I don’t spend quiet time after my prayers to listen to Him how can I hear Him? Reading the Bible on my phone while doing something else? Again, good, but I’m not focusing on what I’m reading. I need to stop going through the motions and FOCUS on God.

Focus on myself. I need to make time for myself daily. Even if it’s just something small. The name of my blog is ‘Making Time For Mommy’ and there is not any time for mommy going on over here. I also need to focus on the goals I’ve set for myself and my family. Making goals is great but they need follow through and focus if I plan to achieve them. I plan to write down steps for what I’d like to happen and actually start to work on them so they aren’t just a list of things that will never get done.

Focus on those I love. I love working from home but between my 8-5 “job” and my blog it tends to take a lot of my waking hours. Even when I’m off my computer I find myself checking email or doing social media related things online. Earlier today I was on my computer creating a collage for my blog when I realized I had a cell phone in my hand and don’t remember how I got it. Turns out that during one of the numerous board games they were playing with their dad, Jacob had brought me the phone to charge. Did you see what just happened there? My son had come to me and asked for something and I don’t even remember because I was focused on my computer and not on him. This is the main reason that my word is “focus” this year. I need to focus on my children and give them 100% of my attention when they are talking to me. I have been better about taking time to do things with them (I’m board-gamed out from playing a bunch this afternoon) but if I’m preoccupied with other things how great is that “quality” time?

So that’s my word for the year and the goals I hope to achieve by focusing on that one word. Do you have any goals for the year? I’d love to hear them!


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