Motherhood {Saturday Stumbles}

*I love this prayer calendar from Kat at Inspired to Action that gives us 30 topics we can pray for our children.

*Great post entitled: Motherhood is Application (here’s an exerpt:  “This isn’t a time for a gospel presentation because it is a time for gospel application. This is a time to take the grace that God has extended to you, and feed your children with it. Apply what you believe about God’s mercy and kindness and long suffering towards us, and pour it out to them — in a form they can believe in.”

*One mom shares how she enjoys motherhood here.

*Post about Balancing Motherhood With Career (Or NOT)

*A Motherhood Manifesto (Printable)

So true...


Enjoy the rest of your weekend! If you have any Motherhood posts you’d like to share, please do so in the comments below :)

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