Making Time For Mommy Monday (Week 4)

(If you’d like to be featured on Making  Time For Mommy Monday in the future, please email me at [email protected])

Me (pre-kids)

Today I am going to be sharing a few ways that I make time for myself and would love for you to share in the comments below how you make time for “mommy” too!

1) In the early morning after the boys wake up I try to spend time doing my Bible reading and my devotions while they watch a short movie in their room.I would wake before the boys but their wake up time is usually around 5am so that’s just not possible for me at  this time. I lay in bed and read both the Bible and my devotional on my phone. On days I get to sleep in I spend part of naptime doing this but I  really like to do so in the morning before I get out of bed to start my day off right (see my post on Maximizing My Mornings for more info).

2) I paint my toenails every week. I literally put it on my to-do list once a week so I make sure to get it done. For some reason looking down at my painted toes makes me happy. I also try to start sandal-season with a pedicure.

3) I enjoy drinking iced mochas. I love Starbucks and McDonald’s Iced Mochas but more often than not I make my own at home. Any task is made more enjoyable if it’s accompanied with a sip of coffee!

4) I have a hobby I enjoy. You are reading the work of that hobby right now :)

5) I run errands solo. I love walking down every aisle at Target and not being rushed. This also means I get to explore every clearance endcap there is in the store which is something I like to do (even though I rarely end up buying anything anymore).

6) I talk to other moms. One of the most important things I have realized in the past couple of years is that I can’t do this thing called “motherhood” alone. I need to connect with other moms. Lately, this has been in the form of talking with moms via Twitter but I really need my in-real-life friends, too. Mom’s nights out are great as well. My goal at the beginning of the year was to go to at least one mom-only event per month. That hasn’t been possible but I am so excited to be going to one in a couple days and seeing my friends again!


What do you do to make time for yourself?


  1. Running errands solo….love that! I just started doing this too. Walmart might not seem so glamorous, but I find it exhilarating to be able to walk around and actually browse without, “Mommy this, and Mommy that.” LOLOL Grocery shopping has become my “me time.” LOL Love this post!

    • Thanks, Mel! Yeah, running errands takes on a whole new meaning once you are a mom. I would never before had thought of running errands as “me” time but now that I have kids I’ll take what I can get :)

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